četrtek, 13. november 2014

Primark Madness

So yes it happened again. We got in a car, drove 3,5 hours to Vienna to go to Primark. And I must say that for me it's not really just about the shopping, it's about a silly adventure, about taking the day off, spending it with friends with the bonus of new clothes :) We were in Primark for 3 hours and I won't lie, I could be in there for another three. Everything was so Christmasy (Santa sweaters, Bambi, presents galore) and their A/W collection is just madness!!

Because I was just in between cameras I wasn't able to get a great picture but here is just a summery of my purchase. Everything you see summed up to about 130 eurs, which I find is a bargain :)

What are your thoughts on Primarks A/W 2014 collection?

torek, 11. november 2014

Round My Hometown

It's time I give this blogging thing another go. I don't want to create just another beauty anf fashion blog, I want to create a blog you can read and get inspired. Let see how I do :)

Fist just a couple of pictures I took walking round my hometown, that show you how wonderful things can look even in the cloudiest of days (cloudiest-is that even a word?! It is now ;) )

četrtek, 15. maj 2014

Ready for summer



Bits and bobs from Croatia, Portorož and Olimije :) Camera died so its iphone quality for me ;)



nedelja, 13. april 2014

Spring DIY - Floral lamp

Simple, easy and fun spring diy :)

1. Pick any lamp that needs a little spring bling :)
2. and all you need is some fake flowers and some glue
3. You can just glue the flowers (I used roses) around the base or you could possibly cover the whole lamp, but in my opinion that would be too much
4. And here you have a springy floral crown for you night lamp :)



četrtek, 20. marec 2014

2014 Vision Board

Ok, so most people make these vision boards in January, when everybody is all hyped about changes and new opportunities... and the vision board is a trending topic for about 2 weeks ;) That's why I made my vision board in March, when I've had enough time to think about what I really want in 2014.

You can check out my visual vision board (that's a mouthful ;)  ) on my Pinterest account but I'll list my top 3 plans for 2014 here. If you have a vision board, you can share it with me and if you have any suggestions on what else I should put on my board, please do share ;)

1. Get a French buldog. I am sooo in love with dogs and although we have a family dog (shi tzu named Balti), I want to get my own dog and name him Reggie :)

2. Move into my own place and decorate the sh** out of it! And also have a lovely and motivating home office from where my business can grow.

3. Travel somewhere where the beach amazes me. Any suggestions? :)

Next blog post will be LONDON FASHION HAUL , so stay tuned!


nedelja, 16. marec 2014

The Beauty of Life-Tumblr

Just wanted to let you know that I also have a blog on Tumblr where I post pictures about what I love, what I wish I had and what inspires me :) If you have a Tumblr blog and you'd like me to check it out comment here or on my Tumbr The Beauty Of Life

