ponedeljek, 27. maj 2013

And Breathe, Just Breathe...

Cause you can't jump the track, we're like cars on a cable,
And life's like an hourglass, glued to the table.
No one can find the rewind button now,
So cradle your head in your hands,
And breathe... just breathe,
Oh breathe, just breathe...
ANNA NALICK-Just Breathe
The sun has come up after almost a week of bad weather which included rain, cold and in some places around Slovenia even SNOW!! Snow in May?? Anyway, so the first thing one must do the first time she sees the sun is wear a skirt or a dress and that is what I did. Right now I'm really praying for warm weather cause I don't think I can handle another day of rain...
Hope you have a lovely day :)

Xoxo, SaraBelle

Wearing: Boots-Zara, Dress -Terranova, Belt-Bershka, Jacket-Stradivarius, Necklace&Bag-Primark

torek, 21. maj 2013

Words Will Kindle Your Heart

So there comes a time when you just need some motivation. And this is the time! So here is a collection of only some of my favorite quotes at the moment, that I believe are going to give me the push I need to take my life in the right direction. They combine all of the things important to me, Travel, Change, Fashion, Life and Letting go. Letting go of all the bad thoughts, bad friends that feed off your good energy, bad situations that you've been in for far too long and instead taking a leap of faith. Hope these quotes help at least a bit ;)

nedelja, 19. maj 2013

A Positive Mind For A Positive Life

When so many things in your life change and you are trying so hard to figure out where your life is going and where you belong, the best thing you can do is have a positive outlook on life. Say YES to more things, try things you never thought you would and most of all do stuff you were always too afraid to do. It may be hard a first but remember that in the end you always regret the things you didn't do, not the things you did ;)



sreda, 15. maj 2013

Budapest in Autumne

So I went to Budapest, Hungary this past fall but I managed to lose the photos and I only found them now :) So here are some photo memories of the trip which was filled with fog (and I'm talking about the kind of fog that make it impossible to see you own feet!!), new places, a beautiful lake, a town where nothing but the McDonald's was open and a TV the size of my palm :) But still, with good company and just the fact that you are going somewhere where you haven't been before, any road trip is amazing!

sobota, 4. maj 2013


Another wonderful weekend! Finally the sun has come out and the temperatures are high so my summer wardrobe is out :) Some shorts, platform shoes, a baggy top and my Primark necklace seemed the best choice for my lunch date with an overview of the sea. Shrimp, fish, mussels and more!! BEst day, best Saturday before going back to work and reality:( I honestly believe that there would be no wars and fighting and that people would be happier if we would all just get a life-time vacation ;)