četrtek, 13. november 2014

Primark Madness

So yes it happened again. We got in a car, drove 3,5 hours to Vienna to go to Primark. And I must say that for me it's not really just about the shopping, it's about a silly adventure, about taking the day off, spending it with friends with the bonus of new clothes :) We were in Primark for 3 hours and I won't lie, I could be in there for another three. Everything was so Christmasy (Santa sweaters, Bambi, presents galore) and their A/W collection is just madness!!

Because I was just in between cameras I wasn't able to get a great picture but here is just a summery of my purchase. Everything you see summed up to about 130 eurs, which I find is a bargain :)

What are your thoughts on Primarks A/W 2014 collection?

torek, 11. november 2014

Round My Hometown

It's time I give this blogging thing another go. I don't want to create just another beauty anf fashion blog, I want to create a blog you can read and get inspired. Let see how I do :)

Fist just a couple of pictures I took walking round my hometown, that show you how wonderful things can look even in the cloudiest of days (cloudiest-is that even a word?! It is now ;) )