So something really wonderful happened :) I was actually nominated for the Liebster award by My Fair Lala I first of all I just have to say THANK YOU SOOOOO MUCH :) It really means a lot to me since I'm a new blogger and this is such a good opportunity for new blogs to be acknowledged and meet other bloggers :)
The Leibster award is given out by fellow bloggers to help them connect and be blog
friends, and is given to blogs with under 200 followers. You are nominated by another blogger, answer some of their questions (which is always fun) and then you get to nominate some other blogs that you find interesting and want other people to enjoy them!
- Thank the lovely who nominated you by linking them back and shouting them out.
- Answer the 11 questions your nominee has given to you.
- Pick
9-10 other bloggers with under 200 followers to nominate for the award
and let them know about it by going to their blogs and telling them.
- Come up with 11 new questions to ask those who you nominate.
Here are the questions from My Fair Lala:
1) What is your favourite accessory?
Definitely necklaces. I've fallen in love with them in the past year because I've realized that you can completely restyle a very dull outfit with the right necklace.
2) How would you describe your style in 5 words?
Chic, comfortable, girly, casual and "felingoftheday-ish" :)
3) Who is your favourite artist/band at the moment?
I've found so many cool bands recently that I'm madly in love with a few :) Love Emily and the Woods and Observer Drift, but also anything that is current and has a good beat :)
4) Whose style do you find inspirational?
I just generally like anyone that is visually in love with fashion. I love it when I browse other blogs and see a style combination that I would have never came up with myself! I personally love "accessible fashion" which means you can feel fashionable for a reasonable price. Not everybody is loaded with shopping money :)
5) What is your favourite colour lipstick?
Dark red and fuchsia pink
6) If could choose 1 make-up brand to use for the rest of your life, what would it be?
Going with the whole accessible style policy, I have to go with CATRICE. I love their products and adore their prices!
7) If you could be any animal, what would you be and why?
On one hand I would be a seagull since I could just sore over the sea and watch the sunset every day. But on the other hand, I would also be a dog since I believe they are capable to love in a way even humans can't :)
8) What is your favourite thing about blogging?
Expression what I feel, getting to know a whole new community of bloggers and finally doing something I was too afraid to do for too long.
9) Which is your favourite blog to read?
This depends on the day I'm having. But I love just randomly browsing and landing on blogs I've never read before.
10) If you could travel anywhere in the world, where would you like to go?
You can't expect me to name just one! Bali because of its beautiful beaches and sunsets, New York because I've always believed that is where I belong, Montreal because I want to revisit every place I loved as a child and India because I'm in desperate need of a cultural shock!
11) What is your best beauty tip?
Garnier BB cream.. love the living bits of this thing! :)
My questions for the lovely bloggers:) :
1) Outfit you feel most beautiful in?
2) Worst beauty product you ever bought?
3) A place you've already traveled to and would go again in an instant?
4) Best piece of clothing?
5) If you could live in any part of history, what would it be?
6) Best song for Autumn?
7) Flats or heels?
8) Best book you ever read and why?
9) What made you smile recenty?
10) What makes you proud of yourself?
11) Your favorite quote?
And I nominate these blogs for the **Liebster Award**:
Xoxo, SaraBelle