ponedeljek, 26. avgust 2013

Being yourself

Hello Doves,

So I've never really written such a personal post but I really think I should get this out of me. I've had a real struggle in being myself for quite some time now, the main problem being the fact that I'm not able to find myself. All my life I've been designed to follow rules, to obey a system that basically led me from elementary through high school and to the end of college. And now this system is broken among other things due to the fact that I realized, that if I plan to follow this system for the rest of my life, I wont live even a bit. But the feeling of being lost, without any clue where to go from here, where to find yourself, is getting to me.
But still I am positive about the future, believing I will find myself, I will find my passion and I will begin to LIVE. That was one of the reasons I started this blog, because it was something I wanted for such a long time, but was too afraid I have nothing to offer. But I guess sometimes you just have to do things that scare you the most in order to get life-changing moments in your life.
SO what I'm trying to say is, don't be afraid. Don't ever let anybody let you feel that what you accomplished in life is worthless and even more important, learn to love yourself! I'm trying to do this for the first time in my life and it's gonna take a lot of time but I truly believe that accepting myself for who I am will eventually be the most life changing moment of my life!

Love being YOU**


1 komentar:

  1. A really inspirational blog post SaraBelle! I feel EXACTLY the same way at the moment. A little bit lost and like I am conforming to a life that won't actually allow me to live and experience the things I want to. I am looking forward to following your journey! :)
    Lala x
