nedelja, 22. september 2013

A year of inspiration

So since I consider September to be my "New Year" resolutions month, I have made some decisions about the year that is coming. I really want to change some things and most of all I want to live a little. So one of the changes I'm gonna make is becoming better at my new passion which is graphic design and photography. Its really sad that you find your true calling so late but the least you can do is put as much effort into becoming better at it as you can. Next thing is trying new things. I realized that you learn the most about yourself when you are faced with a new challenge and that is why i want to try as many new things as possible! Find a new passion, do something I've been afraid to do for a long time, say YES to more things and most of all, meet new people! You learn so much from new friends and they introduce you to so many new experiences and opportunities.

One of the most important things in my year of inspiration has to be traveling. I am so passionate about traveling but in connection to my anxiety problems find it hard sometimes. The amount of phicological preparation it takes me to get on a plane is insane! But I have some must have destinations i have to visit in the next year:
-Rome: even though I've been before and didn't like it, I want to go again and view it with different eyes.
-London: I've been like 8times but it's absolutely my favorite European city and I'm so in love with it that I'm seriously thinking about moving there.
-Milan: Fashion, fashion, fashion!!
-Bali and Gili: My boyfriends parents are thinking about moving there and Bali has been a must-have destination of mine for so long so it would be kind of stupid of me not to go :)
- Sweden or Norway: I've never been so that just seems reason enough :)

And the last thing i want to achieve is stop being afraid. Get over my anxiety and depression and realize that my life is in my hands. Even if you believe you're not on the right path, its in your hands or should I say feet :) to change that path. Although I talk a good talk, in reality I'm still not aware of this so it would be just super duper if I coud become aware of this im ny year of inspiration :)

So thats about it. Of course I want to continue to write my blog, gain more readers and maybe, just maybe inspire someone.



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